Detailed Discourse Setup 2024 Current

  • Discourse Setup 2024

    Hello, today we will talk about how we can install Discourse Forum on Ubuntu 22.04 operating system from scratch in detail. If you complete the steps completely, it will be a smooth installation. Our article content will be updated continuously, currently the most up-to-date Discourse forum installation is with you with the support of

    First, let's get our VPS/VDS virtual server ready, you can get your server from hosting/server companies you trust. Our operating system will be ubuntu 22.04, do not forget this. Buy your virtual server from companies that can install this operating system.

    1- Let's log in to our virtual server with PuTTY program

    In the Host Name section, you need to type the IP address provided by the company you purchased your server from and say open. Then access the warning that appears by saying Accept. The username is usually root, type the information provided by the company in your password and access the server. Now that you are logged in to your server, we can move on to the next step.

    2- Let's do server updates

    Copy the code I have provided below, then come to the putty screen and paste the code with the right click of your mouse. CTRL+C and CTRL+V commands do not work in the Putty program. Therefore, we will paste the copied codes with the right click of the mouse. After pasting the code, complete the process with the enter key on your keyboard.

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

    You should wait until the update process is finished. Sometimes there may be messages on the screen asking for confirmation. Proceed by saying next or ok to all of them.

    3- Detailed Discourse Forum Setup

    After our update process is complete, we can now proceed with Discourse installation. Remember that you must do the steps completely! If you get an error, you can post a screenshot of the error as a comment.

    After accessing our server, we need to install docker and git on the server. Run the following two commands. Since it is installed on my server, no extra action is required, when you run the commands, proceed by saying Y (yes) to the options.

    sudo apt install
    sudo apt install git
    sudo apt install curl

    Create a discourse folder in the var directory with the following command.

    sudo mkdir /var/discourse

    Let's download the discourse files to the server with the command I will send later.

    sudo git clone /var/discourse

    Now let's log in to the discourse folder we downloaded with the cd command.

    cd /var/discourse

    Now we can run the discourse installation command. Before running the script you need to define the chmod value.

    chmod 700 containers
    sudo ./discourse-setup

    After that, the installation starts, you just need to wait a bit. It will take some time to download the files from the repositories. When the process is complete, it will ask us for the following information.

    Hostname for your Discourse? []: Your domain name you need to type. For example;
    Email address for admin account(s)? [[email protected],[email protected]]: Your corporate e-mail address. For example; [email protected]
    SMTP server address? []: The smtp address of your corporate mail server. For example;
    SMTP port? [587]: 587 You can use the port.
    SMTP user name? [[email protected]]: Your mail username. For example; [email protected]
    SMTP password? [pa$$word]: [email protected] password for the mail address
    Let's Encrypt account email? (ENTER to skip) [[email protected]]: The e-mail address you need to get information about SSL installations. [email protected] You can use your e-mail address.

    Then proceed with enter. Now our discourse forum installation has started. This process will take some time, currently our forum site is being installed smoothly.

    Once all the updates are done, you can now log in to your site address and complete your forum installation. If you get any errors with the installation, be sure to mention them in the comments.

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