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[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system
Xenforo forum statistics system; You can display current posts, current content, most popular topics, most replied messages on your forum site in an easy and practical way with the [XenGenTr] Forum statistics system system.
Quote[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system V4
Firstly, we are not the plugin producer, the plugin was developed by XenGenTR. The download address redirects to the plugin maker's website. You should download the plugin from the producer's site and discuss the problems you are experiencing with him.
Main features of the Forum statistics system plugin;
- List the topics that have been replied to in the forum with the Recent messages tab.
- List the topics created in the forum with the Recent topics tab.
- List the topics or messages that get the most reactions.
- List the most viewed topics or messages.
- List the users who received the most reactions.More details can be found on the website of the plugin's producer.